the Titan 11

Saturn loses the Titan – its largest moon

Saturn loses the Titan – its largest moon

Saturn's moon Titan is the most interesting to date object in the Solar system the Moon, as you know, is not the only satellite in our Solar system. So, if between planets there was a contest for the best of the satellite, the Ear...


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Compiled a complete map of Titan's surface

Compiled a complete map of Titan's surface

Titan — one of potential worlds for the detection of alien life. Titan — the largest moon of Saturn and the only after Earth celestial body, where there are real rivers and lakes are filled with liquid. In order to cre...


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Everything you wanted to know about methane lakes of Titan, but were afraid to ask

Everything you wanted to know about methane lakes of Titan, but were afraid to ask

Titan in the lens of the NASA "" Titan is probably one of the most fascinating moons orbiting Saturn today. This is despite the fact that the gas giant has the largest number of satellites in the Solar system. Astronomers and scie...


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What could be life on Titan?

What could be life on Titan?

the possibility of the existence on Titan exotic life excites the minds of scientists almost immediately after the discovery of this moon of Saturn Titan — the most distant object in the Solar system, which one day could vis...


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NASA plans to launch a robot on Titan

NASA plans to launch a robot on Titan

Visualization of robots of the future that can change its shape depending on the surrounding landscape. Titan — the largest moon of Saturn and the second largest satellite in the Solar system after Ganymede. The terrain on T...


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As Saturn will help to improve the engines on the Ground?

As Saturn will help to improve the engines on the Ground?

Most modern engines running on hydrocarbon fuels. When burned, formed a rather large amount of energy, which is enough for the effective use of a variety of vehicles. However, according to the editors of the journal Nature, Astron...


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First discovered dust storms on Titan show its similarity with the Earth

First discovered dust storms on Titan show its similarity with the Earth

Since then, as the probe Cassini entered the Saturn system in July 2004, scientists and the General public has received a steady stream of data from the ringed giant and its many wonderful companions. In particular, special atten...


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Astronomers have created a complete topology map of one of Saturn's moons

Astronomers have created a complete topology map of one of Saturn's moons

it took more than ten years from the moment the spacecraft Cassini has transmitted the first clear images of Titan, the largest moon of the planet Saturn. Astronomers have spent years to analyze all the data provided by the camera...


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Dragonfly — UAV for exploration of Saturn's moon

Dragonfly — UAV for exploration of Saturn's moon

Unmanned aerial vehicles «captured» almost all spheres of life on Earth. And now, it seems, the time has come to move these machines into space. One of the pioneers may be the Dragonfly drone, created on the basis of the...


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The latest weather reports with Titan, moon of Saturn

The latest weather reports with Titan, moon of Saturn

a Method of radar scanning, which is usually used to measure the density of the snow caps at the poles of the Earth, was applied for the analysis of the surface methane seas, the largest satellite of the planet Saturn, Titan. As a...


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Impossible things that are possible on other planets

Impossible things that are possible on other planets

People are so accustomed to Earth that any access to space is very expensive, and the flight to another planet is postponed for decades, and all because of our habits. We breathe air, bathe in the sea, enjoying the sunset and the ...


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